Music is the art form of interaction .It has the ability to deeply affect our mood.
Music has the power to reduce stress,physical discomfort caused by the surrounding you are involving or the situation you are facing .The affection of music has the positive impact on us as well as the affection may turn into negative impaction which depends .
Music can have a huge impact in our mental state .The wrong and unhygienic music as well as lyrics can lead to a negative
mindset.It can create distraction. While working ,Listening to music can cause mental block ,it become difficult to concentrate , focused and the spicy which you want to serve in your dedication remains incomplete.So; certain impaction should be considered wisely.
Music recommends different way to speak our mind on heavy incident and work.According to researcher ,"Music can be benefit to our physical and mental health in innumerable ways."It can reduce stress,improve our mood .Creating,singing and listening to music along with musical instruments can make anyone's mood fresh.Hence,music has the capacity to make you focused on your work as well as has the power to distract . THE POWER AND MAGIC OF MUSIC IS HYPNOTIZING.