What is an anxiety attack?
An anxiety attack is a feeling of massive uneasiness, worry, loss of control, chest pain, trouble breathing, anguish, or dread. because of our unfulfilled wishes, we become more panicked and start to overthink that matter. if the overthinking is continue then after a certain time this thinking may turn into our daily habit and slowly our activeness rate will decrease and the person feels demotivated. An anxiety attack builds slowly and it may change over time for every individual. These things seem to be more common in teenagers cause they have more dreams and they are more hungry and curious to be fulfilled their dreams.
Are you ponder to know How long can anxiety last ??
Normally, anxiety attacks no later than 30 minutes. Some people feel irritated, they don't want to talk with others and always want to stay alone. Definitely, they have more fear, and cannot able to concentrate on anything.
Anxiety attack symptom
Some symptoms seen in victims of Anxiety attacks that are similar to Panic attacks are listed below
👉feeling irritated or dizzy, fear,
👉dry mouth, sweating, Nausea, Dizziness
👉consciousness and worry, overthinking
👉Distress, Feeling nervous, restless
👉Stupefaction, panic
👉Excessive fatigue
👉Chest pain
👉Feeling tired, difficulty in sleeping
👉Difficulty in concentrating or thinking about anything
What causes anxiety?
Till now, compel causes of anxiety are undetected. But, due to genetics, Brain chemistry, Drug misuse, and environmental factors, anxiety attacks may cause.
👉Genetics. Anxiety disorders can cause by genetics.
👉Brain chemistry anxiety disorders may cause due to malfunction in the brain that controls our feelings, emotion, horror, fear
👉Environmental factors. Environmental factors to the surroundings where you are bounded or lived. Due to unexpected consequences of Life events like the death of a loved one, being rejected from your job, etc
👉Drug misuse. Due to the drug misuse also anxiety attacks may cause. Medicine should be taken according to the advice of the Doctor
What are treatments for anxiety?
Medication and Psychotherapy are considered the best treatments for anxiety. Having more anxiety problems may lead to serious problems in both physical and mental health both. To normalize the anxiety, our daily lifestyle also plays an important role and our lifestyle should be changed like by:
👉Doing Exercises
👉Doing Meditation
👉Having a healthy diet and sleeping well
👉Avoiding smoking, alcohol
Till now, no special medicine is available for Anxiety. So, to normalize the Anxiety one should make a routine of doing exercise and meditation, maintain the habit of having a health